"Bring up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6
Meet our Administrator and teacher of a 3A and 4A class, Georgianne Weathers. She has taught at Grace Lutheran since 1992. Served as Administrator since 1998. She is thankful to serve amongst a talented group of Christian teachers and assistants. Georgianne welcomes children and parents to be a part of the family at Grace. She is a valuable resource to her staff and her parents as well.
Memorable Moment: I love when a child begins to write their numbers. One little guy was so happy he said “those curly ones are hard but I GOT this one”. The pride on their faces is priceless.
Her staff appreciates her even temperament. She is empathetic, thinks before she speaks and has great passion for the school.