"Bring up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6
Chapel is held in the sanctuary where a pastor from Grace Lutheran Church hosts a mini worship for the preschoolers. This is an awesome witness of God’s love being demonstrated to your children. You are guaranteed good music, laughs, and heart warming moments. Please keep an eye on your child’s classroom calendar for chapel dates.
The children spend time preparing for a small program called Mother's Night and Father's Night. The children are proud to share what they have been learning. Please try your best to attend these nights. Due to limited space, we do ask that the child and only one guest attend. Save the date! Check the school calendar.
Each year, a photographer comes to school to take your child's individual picture. Flyers will be sent home in September.
School Spirit Wear
Sweatshirts and short/long sleeve t-shirts will be available to order at the beginning of the school year. Be on the look out for the spirit cart where bracelets, bows and stickers can be purchased.